Distributed Filesystems


Here are the required packages to compile glusterfs on Redhat distros:

  • make
  • gcc
  • flex
  • bison
  • db4-devel
  • libibverbs-devel
  • fuse-devel

Packages for runtime:

  • fuse

Sample glusterfsd.vol with shared /tmp/gfs running on 6 hosts:

volume scaffold         type storage/posix         option directory /tmp/gfs end-volume  volume scaffold-locks         type features/locks         subvolumes scaffold end-volume  volume scaffold-brick         type performance/io-threads         option thread-count 8         subvolumes scaffold-locks end-volume  volume server         type protocol/server         option transport-type tcp         option auth.addr.scaffold-brick.allow 128.195.*,         subvolumes scaffold-brick end-volume 

Sample glusterfs.vol with RAID10 configuration:

volume remote1 type protocol/client option transport-type tcp option remote-host hpblade-1 option remote-subvolume scaffold-brick end-volume  volume remote2 type protocol/client option transport-type tcp option remote-host hpblade-2 option remote-subvolume scaffold-brick end-volume  volume remote3 type protocol/client option transport-type tcp option remote-host hpblade-3 option remote-subvolume scaffold-brick end-volume  volume remote4 type protocol/client option transport-type tcp option remote-host hpblade-4 option remote-subvolume scaffold-brick end-volume  volume remote5 type protocol/client option transport-type tcp option remote-host hpblade-5 option remote-subvolume scaffold-brick end-volume  volume remote6 type protocol/client option transport-type tcp option remote-host hpblade-6 option remote-subvolume scaffold-brick end-volume  volume replicate1 type cluster/replicate subvolumes remote1 remote4 #subvolumes remote1 remote4 remote3 end-volume  volume replicate2 type cluster/replicate subvolumes remote2 remote5 #subvolumes remote2 remote5 remote6 end-volume  volume replicate3 type cluster/replicate subvolumes remote3 remote6 end-volume  volume distribute type cluster/distribute subvolumes replicate1 replicate2 replicate3 #subvolumes replicate1 replicate2 end-volume  volume writebehind type performance/write-behind option window-size 1MB subvolumes distribute end-volume  volume cache type performance/io-cache option cache-size 512MB subvolumes writebehind end-volume


# chkconfig --levels 35 glusterfs on


Mount on clients via fstab, autofs or glusterfs -f /etc/glusterfs.vol /mnt/point for testing

* glusterfs -f /etc/glusterfs/glusterfs.vol /mnt/gfs

* mount -t /etc/glusterfs/glusterfs.vol /mnt/gfs

